Aidan beats up Ethan, who takes some serious masochistic pleasure in it, and Isaac just looks on. Then there’s the standoff in the hallway. Scott has partaken, but it’s really Isaac who has developed a penchant for glaring them down, ever so broodingly.
The introduction of the twins has increased the amount of slow-motion staring contests among werewolves, and where there’s staring among hot guys, there’s sexual tension. Any Slow-Mo, Long Male-on-Male Stare Down Isaac is crazy hot, but you basically just announced to the whole class that you want to chase him into the bathroom and have your way with him. I really have to go, like medical emergency have to go. Scott: I have to go to the bathroom, too. Scott needs to stop wearing flannel, seriously.ĩ. He needs to take the rest of the pack shopping. But he breaks out the big guns in the following episode when he strolls into the locker room in a drool-worthy shawl-collar cardigan. Thus far, he has accessorized a werewolf hunt in episode three with a nicely-tied scarf and lined jacket. Luckily, Isaac clearly knows a thing or two and has been getting pretty metro with his fashion choices. While the V-necks are great, they are getting a little redundant.